Hey there, welcome to the OPFM family! We're super excited to have you onboard. We're here, paddle in hand, ready to navigate this journey with you.

To make things super easy for you, we've put together a comprehensive on-boarding video series that will explain everything you need to know about our courses, interactive tabs, and video sharing options.

On-Boarding Video Series

What's Your Instrument


"Nothing beats the feeling of strumming and fingerpicking a tenor ukulele on a sunny day - it's like happiness in a box! 

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Looking for an instrument that's bigger than a tenor ukulele? Look no further than the mighty baritone ukulele! 

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Do you want to be remembered as the best campfire guy of summer 2023? Then you need to learn acoustic guitar.

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YouTube Uke

A list of all my YouTube lessons on a chronological order. Simple 10-minute lessons that'll inspire your daily playing. 

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Recently Added

Neo Soul

In this first week of November, we will have fun playing the soulful Neo Soul style!

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Guitar Basics

Learn how to play basic open chords while exploring techniques such as fingerstyle and strumming.

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Funk Ukulele

Challenge your rhythmic skills with Funk ukulele. We will cover basic strumming, muted chords, and more.

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Full List Here